100 things about me [again, babe!]
1. Last beverage : Aqua
2. Last phone call : Aan, house searching company.. yeah ^^
3. Last text message: Nda, ´lagi kuliah tau...´
4. Last song you listened to : theme song Missing Lyrics a la Nirina by Norbe.. jaja
5. Last time you cried : June 10 09
6. Dated someone twice : likely
7. Been cheated on : hell yeah..
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : naah..
9. Lost someone special : once upon a time..
10. Been depressed : nope
11. Been drunk and threw up : twice!! was a fun party, baby.. until I drop off.. jaja
12. blue
13. orange
14. yellow
15. Made a new friend : sure do
16. Fallen out of love : nope!
17. Laughed until you cried : yeah!
18. Met someone who changed you : into a more lovable person? yeah..
19. Found out who your true friends were : years ago..
20. Found out someone was talking about you : wouldn´t know..
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : nah..
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : 99%, I don´t ad a friend of a friend of a friend that I met 5 years ago.. yes, I´m that uptight about this..
23. How many kids do you want to have : tell you after the first one..
24. Do you have any pets : trixie and miller
25. Do you want to change your name : nunca
26. What did you do for your last birthday : surprise family dinner @ chiquero
27. What time did you wake up today : 8.15 Am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : working, reading and fell asleep.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : to meet my parents!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother : 2 months ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : that I´m financially well and can support the family..
32. What are you listening to right now : the air purifier noise..
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Tommy, my college friend..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now : have to send the flight tickets to Isabel!! Today!!
35. Most visited webpage : either garuda-indonesia.com or come2indonesia.com
36. What's your real name : Melysa Charlex
37. Nicknames : Melysa
38. Relationship Status :Engaged
39. Zodiac sign : Capricorn
40. Male or female? : Female
41. Elementary : Yep
42. Middle School? : Frater Kendari
43. college/Uni : Petra Christian University
44. Hair colour : naturally black
45. Long or short : long
46. Height : 160
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : not now
48. What do you like about yourself? : becoming me
49. Piercings : had 2, both on the right ear
50. Tattoos : no
51. Righty or lefty : righty
52. First surgery: nope
53. First piercing : 2004, Jeonju, South Korea
54. First best friend : stef Ir
55. First sport you joined : basketball
56. First vacation : in the 80s.
58. First pair of trainers : @ elementary school.
59. Eating : nothing
60. Drinking : nothing
61. I'm about to : packing my bag to Bali
62. Listening to : kids playing outside
63. Waiting on : bunch of tickets from Pak Karno
64. Want kids? yeahh...
65. Get Married? : this August
66. Career? : DEFINITELY success.. jajaja
67. Lips or eyes : eyes
68. Hugs or kisses : hugs
69. Shorter or taller : taller
70. Older or Younger : older
71. Romantic or spontaneous : spontaneously romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : arms!
73. Sensitive or loud : louds
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship..
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : the mix would be perfect
76. Kissed a stranger : yeah!
77. Drank hard liquor : once upon a time.. ^^
78. Lost glasses/contacts : not mine
79. Sex on first date : nope
80. Broken someone's heart : more than once I believe..
82. Been arrested : nunca
83. Turned someone down : yeah
84. Cried when someone died : all the time..
85. Fallen for a friend? : once
86. Yourself : sure
87. Miracles : i do
88. Love at first sight : yeah
89. Heaven : yeah
90. Santa Claus : yeah
91. Kiss on the first date : nope
92. Angels : yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time : yeah
95. Did you sing today? : yeah
96. Ever cheated on somebody : yeah
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : october 2005
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? that day I throw a bunch of my dad´s fund in front of Norb´s face.. I was so bitchy.. [sorry dad, keep regretting it..]
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : no
100. (If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend) Do you love him/her so much? : definitely
1. Last beverage : Aqua
2. Last phone call : Aan, house searching company.. yeah ^^
3. Last text message: Nda, ´lagi kuliah tau...´
4. Last song you listened to : theme song Missing Lyrics a la Nirina by Norbe.. jaja
5. Last time you cried : June 10 09
6. Dated someone twice : likely
7. Been cheated on : hell yeah..
8. Kissed someone & regretted it : naah..
9. Lost someone special : once upon a time..
10. Been depressed : nope
11. Been drunk and threw up : twice!! was a fun party, baby.. until I drop off.. jaja
12. blue
13. orange
14. yellow
15. Made a new friend : sure do
16. Fallen out of love : nope!
17. Laughed until you cried : yeah!
18. Met someone who changed you : into a more lovable person? yeah..
19. Found out who your true friends were : years ago..
20. Found out someone was talking about you : wouldn´t know..
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : nah..
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : 99%, I don´t ad a friend of a friend of a friend that I met 5 years ago.. yes, I´m that uptight about this..
23. How many kids do you want to have : tell you after the first one..
24. Do you have any pets : trixie and miller
25. Do you want to change your name : nunca
26. What did you do for your last birthday : surprise family dinner @ chiquero
27. What time did you wake up today : 8.15 Am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night : working, reading and fell asleep.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : to meet my parents!!
30. Last time you saw your Mother : 2 months ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : that I´m financially well and can support the family..
32. What are you listening to right now : the air purifier noise..
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : Tommy, my college friend..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now : have to send the flight tickets to Isabel!! Today!!
35. Most visited webpage : either garuda-indonesia.com or come2indonesia.com
36. What's your real name : Melysa Charlex
37. Nicknames : Melysa
38. Relationship Status :Engaged
39. Zodiac sign : Capricorn
40. Male or female? : Female
41. Elementary : Yep
42. Middle School? : Frater Kendari
43. college/Uni : Petra Christian University
44. Hair colour : naturally black
45. Long or short : long
46. Height : 160
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : not now
48. What do you like about yourself? : becoming me
49. Piercings : had 2, both on the right ear
50. Tattoos : no
51. Righty or lefty : righty
52. First surgery: nope
53. First piercing : 2004, Jeonju, South Korea
54. First best friend : stef Ir
55. First sport you joined : basketball
56. First vacation : in the 80s.
58. First pair of trainers : @ elementary school.
59. Eating : nothing
60. Drinking : nothing
61. I'm about to : packing my bag to Bali
62. Listening to : kids playing outside
63. Waiting on : bunch of tickets from Pak Karno
64. Want kids? yeahh...
65. Get Married? : this August
66. Career? : DEFINITELY success.. jajaja
67. Lips or eyes : eyes
68. Hugs or kisses : hugs
69. Shorter or taller : taller
70. Older or Younger : older
71. Romantic or spontaneous : spontaneously romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms : arms!
73. Sensitive or loud : louds
74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship..
75. Trouble maker or hesitant : the mix would be perfect
76. Kissed a stranger : yeah!
77. Drank hard liquor : once upon a time.. ^^
78. Lost glasses/contacts : not mine
79. Sex on first date : nope
80. Broken someone's heart : more than once I believe..
82. Been arrested : nunca
83. Turned someone down : yeah
84. Cried when someone died : all the time..
85. Fallen for a friend? : once
86. Yourself : sure
87. Miracles : i do
88. Love at first sight : yeah
89. Heaven : yeah
90. Santa Claus : yeah
91. Kiss on the first date : nope
92. Angels : yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time : yeah
95. Did you sing today? : yeah
96. Ever cheated on somebody : yeah
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : october 2005
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? that day I throw a bunch of my dad´s fund in front of Norb´s face.. I was so bitchy.. [sorry dad, keep regretting it..]
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : no
100. (If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend) Do you love him/her so much? : definitely
mi media naranja
1. Pernah ngak lo mencintai seseorang dengan sepenuh hati n trm dia apa adanya?
* sedang
2. Pernah gak lo berpikir untuk selingkuh?
* waktu si doi selingkuh duluan..
3. Menurut lo, lo bakal ketemu soulmate lo ga?
* found him
4. Menurut lo suami/istri lo nanti adalah seseorang yang lo cintai?
* semestinya begitu..
6. Jadi apakah uang itu sebuah masalah bagi lo dalam hubungan percintaan?
* nope
7. Yah tapi kalo punya pacar kaya seneng kan?
* kaya dalam artian apa dulu..
8. Dah pny First love blm lo?
* first love.. siapa ya..
9. Coba itung lo brp kali jatuh cinta?
* ga tau ah (copy paste)
10. Kata org, kt cm bs mencintai satu org sekali seumur hdup, gmana menrt lo?
* masa sih?
11. Apa pernikahan itu penting bagi lo?
* now that I´ve changed my mind, yes..
12. Apa yang membuat lo ingin menikah?
* hehe.. ada deh
13. Apa yang mau lo lakuin stelah menikah?
* keliling dunia bareng ^^
14. Berapa lama rekor lo nangis gara2 pacar/org yg lo sayang?
* berhari2..
15. Berapa lama lo pernah mencintai seseorang tanpa ada org lain di hati lo?
* going 3..
16. Apa sih yang bikin lo tertarik sama lawan jenis lo?
* ngomongnya ga dangkal2..
17. Menurut lo punya pacar badan bagus penting?
* paling penting ga sakit2an dah..
18. Menurut lo cinta lo sama pasangan lo bakalan last forever?
* semoga..
19. Lo suka cowo/cewe cute apa ganteng/cantik?
* yang wajahnya selalu seperti tersenyum..
20. Cewe virgin itu penting ga?
* dah gede, penting apa enggak tergantung orangnya..
21. Cowo virgin itu pnting ga?
* idem dgn yg di atas..
22. Menurut lo sex itu harus sesudah nikah?
* kalo kondisi lagi ideal, tapi dunia udah gak ideal lagi (idem Qonit)
23. Apa lo memandang rendah cewe ga virgin/hub sex sbelum nikah?
* nope. pilihan masing-masing orang..
24. Apa pendapat lo tentang perselingkuhan pernikahan?
* no tolerant
26. Apa pendapat lo ttg cowo yg suka larang2 cewenya ttg pakaian, ga boleh pake rok mini?
* kali karena emang ga pantes cewe nya pake mini..
27. Pendapat lo ttg cewe ngokar?
* gw alergi asap
28. Pendapat lo ttg cowo/cewe cemburuan?
* kayak Norb? hehe..
29. Lo orgnya cemburuan?
* ga juga kali ya..
30. Pendapat lo ttg cewe suka sok cute/cakep?
* mm..
31. Apa lo punya syarat2 tertentu sebelum lo memutuskan buat nikah sama future hubby/wifey lo?
* kawin tanpa syarat?
32. Siapa org yang lo bayangin selama ngisi bulbo ini?
* norb, si mantan.. kekekek.. balik lagi balik lagi..
* sedang
2. Pernah gak lo berpikir untuk selingkuh?
* waktu si doi selingkuh duluan..
3. Menurut lo, lo bakal ketemu soulmate lo ga?
* found him
4. Menurut lo suami/istri lo nanti adalah seseorang yang lo cintai?
* semestinya begitu..
6. Jadi apakah uang itu sebuah masalah bagi lo dalam hubungan percintaan?
* nope
7. Yah tapi kalo punya pacar kaya seneng kan?
* kaya dalam artian apa dulu..
8. Dah pny First love blm lo?
* first love.. siapa ya..
9. Coba itung lo brp kali jatuh cinta?
* ga tau ah (copy paste)
10. Kata org, kt cm bs mencintai satu org sekali seumur hdup, gmana menrt lo?
* masa sih?
11. Apa pernikahan itu penting bagi lo?
* now that I´ve changed my mind, yes..
12. Apa yang membuat lo ingin menikah?
* hehe.. ada deh
13. Apa yang mau lo lakuin stelah menikah?
* keliling dunia bareng ^^
14. Berapa lama rekor lo nangis gara2 pacar/org yg lo sayang?
* berhari2..
15. Berapa lama lo pernah mencintai seseorang tanpa ada org lain di hati lo?
* going 3..
16. Apa sih yang bikin lo tertarik sama lawan jenis lo?
* ngomongnya ga dangkal2..
17. Menurut lo punya pacar badan bagus penting?
* paling penting ga sakit2an dah..
18. Menurut lo cinta lo sama pasangan lo bakalan last forever?
* semoga..
19. Lo suka cowo/cewe cute apa ganteng/cantik?
* yang wajahnya selalu seperti tersenyum..
20. Cewe virgin itu penting ga?
* dah gede, penting apa enggak tergantung orangnya..
21. Cowo virgin itu pnting ga?
* idem dgn yg di atas..
22. Menurut lo sex itu harus sesudah nikah?
* kalo kondisi lagi ideal, tapi dunia udah gak ideal lagi (idem Qonit)
23. Apa lo memandang rendah cewe ga virgin/hub sex sbelum nikah?
* nope. pilihan masing-masing orang..
24. Apa pendapat lo tentang perselingkuhan pernikahan?
* no tolerant
26. Apa pendapat lo ttg cowo yg suka larang2 cewenya ttg pakaian, ga boleh pake rok mini?
* kali karena emang ga pantes cewe nya pake mini..
27. Pendapat lo ttg cewe ngokar?
* gw alergi asap
28. Pendapat lo ttg cowo/cewe cemburuan?
* kayak Norb? hehe..
29. Lo orgnya cemburuan?
* ga juga kali ya..
30. Pendapat lo ttg cewe suka sok cute/cakep?
* mm..
31. Apa lo punya syarat2 tertentu sebelum lo memutuskan buat nikah sama future hubby/wifey lo?
* kawin tanpa syarat?
32. Siapa org yang lo bayangin selama ngisi bulbo ini?
* norb, si mantan.. kekekek.. balik lagi balik lagi..
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