Seorang supir lagi nyupirin boss bule Amrik, kebetulan lagi sial.
Mobil nyodok kendaraan didepannya karena mendadak berhenti.
Ia minta maaf pada si Boss : "Sorry Sir, I brake brake, do not eat. After I check, the wheel noflower again"
kira-kira terjemahannya :(maaf pak, saya rem-rem nggak makan, setelah saya cek rodanya nggak ada kembangannya lagi)
Begitu Boss mau ikutan ribut sama yang ditabrak, dia bilang :
"Don't follow mix, Sir ! The bring that car if not wrong is the children fruit from Manager Moneys, he STUPID doesn't play! Let Know Taste !
terjemahannya :(nggak usah ikut campur pak, yang bawa mobil itu kalo nggak salah anak buah dari manajer keuangan, dia memang goblok bukan main, biar tau rasa!)
Besoknya si supir nggak masuk kerja, dan lusanya dia masuk si boss bule nanya :
"Why you're not coming yesterday ?"
Si Supir jawab : "I am sorry boss, my body is not delicious, mo body taste like enter the wind." terjemahannya : (maaf boss, badan saya nggak enak, badan saya rasanya seperti masukangin)
"I really don't know whats your point!" kata bossnya.
"Yes, How yes ?... I'am alone migrain Sir will now the speak, but yes already, how many-how many, people Java can speak England...," jawab si supir serius.
terjemahannya :(ya gimana ya ?.. saya sendiri puyeng pak bagaimana ngomongnya, tapi yo uwis lah.. piro-piro wong jowo iso ngomong Inggris....)
malam taon baru 2005, Seoul

malam taon baru 2005 kemaren, kita ngelewatinnya di Seoul.
indah juga, meski buat gw yang berasa bercampur aduk,
1. gw gak biasa aja ngerayain taon baru tanpa keluarga gw
2. nggak kerasa, inti perayaannya di mana.. rame doang, tapi gak bahagia
3. Indonesia baru kena bencana beberapa hari sebelumnya, bencana hebat bernama Tsunami
but anyway, keputusan dah dibuat waktu itu..
udah pake acara janjian segala..
gw juga yang dah pake acara good-bye Busan... padahal masih pengen tinggal lebih lama..
alhasil itulah, jam 7 malem, janjian ketemu anak-anak di daerah Insadong.. pake acara keliling Insadong karena kehabisan hotel (dapetnya yang mahal pula!!) plus makan malem nan aneh di satu resto korea (nan mahal pula! the cheapest dish was 8000won!!)..
dan anak-anak pake acara nyobain segala macem jenis SOJU... untungnya, diriku dah gak bersinggungan lagi dengan yang namanya alkohol!! hehehe..
ngomong-ngomong, yang ditengah itu, enak :)
1. If you could choose your own name, what will it be?
2. Are you funny?
*somehow.. banyakan garinknya sih.. :p*
3. What's your favorite movie(s)?
4. How many piercings do you have and where?
*2, one on each ear..*
5. What's your favorite TV show(s)?
*Friends -gak kreatif yang nanya nehh-*
6. What's your favorite cereal?
*bukan pemakan cereal sejati gw*
7. What language do you speak?
*Javanese, English, a bit of Chinese, a bit of Korean, a bit of Spanish..*
8. What's your favorite piece of clothing?
*jeans & shirt/t-shirt*
9. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
*not at the moment.. *
10. Have you ever cheated in school?
*of course... lupa tapi terkahir kali kapan.. *
11. If you could put a spell on anyone to fall in love with you, who will it be?
*mm.. my fuckin' ex-boyfriend maybe.. LOL*
12. What's your favorite time of day?
*3 am, when i mostly start to go to bed.. *
13. Do you have an accent?
14. What's your favorite food?
*bakso SOLO!!*
15. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
*yup.. that was a memorable birthday.. *
16. Who are your favorite actors and actress?
*actor.. can't figure any name now.. but I like Jeniffer Anniston a lot*
17. What are you wearing right now?
*jeans and shirt..*
18. Have you ever met people you met online in real life?
*yes, Bayu or Luthfi, namanya*
19. Do you think your smart?
*only when I think the one who say so is also a smart one..*
20. If you get a chance to be a leading role, which film would you wanna be in?
*Storm di X-Man*
21. Can you cook?
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?
* cheat itu ngapain aja sih?*
23. Are you messy or neat?
*in between..*
24. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn?
*how to make my family happy of me*
25. Do you smoke?
*nope, never*
26. Have you ever had a serious celebrity crush?
*hehe.. several times..*
27. What's ONE thing you will NEVER do?
*kill someone maybe..*
28. Do you drink?
*water? of course..*
29. Are you shy?
*lol.. define shy..*
30. What's the most fun you've had recently?
*my birthday party*
31. What's your favorite smell?
32. Do you like your family?
*I LOVE them!*
33. If you could trade places with anyone for a day,who would it be?
*my mom*
34. What was your favorite cartoon when you were little?
*Google 5!!*
35. Do you ever want to get married?
*still think about it..*
36. Do you want kids?
*don't even know if I want to get married*
37. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
*sometimes, back home.. *
38. What's the worst class you've ever taken?
*Basic Computer Science.. dosennya menyebalkan sekali!!!*
39. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
40. What season do you like the most?
*summer, maybe..*
2. Are you funny?
*somehow.. banyakan garinknya sih.. :p*
3. What's your favorite movie(s)?
4. How many piercings do you have and where?
*2, one on each ear..*
5. What's your favorite TV show(s)?
*Friends -gak kreatif yang nanya nehh-*
6. What's your favorite cereal?
*bukan pemakan cereal sejati gw*
7. What language do you speak?
*Javanese, English, a bit of Chinese, a bit of Korean, a bit of Spanish..*
8. What's your favorite piece of clothing?
*jeans & shirt/t-shirt*
9. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
*not at the moment.. *
10. Have you ever cheated in school?
*of course... lupa tapi terkahir kali kapan.. *
11. If you could put a spell on anyone to fall in love with you, who will it be?
*mm.. my fuckin' ex-boyfriend maybe.. LOL*
12. What's your favorite time of day?
*3 am, when i mostly start to go to bed.. *
13. Do you have an accent?
14. What's your favorite food?
*bakso SOLO!!*
15. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
*yup.. that was a memorable birthday.. *
16. Who are your favorite actors and actress?
*actor.. can't figure any name now.. but I like Jeniffer Anniston a lot*
17. What are you wearing right now?
*jeans and shirt..*
18. Have you ever met people you met online in real life?
*yes, Bayu or Luthfi, namanya*
19. Do you think your smart?
*only when I think the one who say so is also a smart one..*
20. If you get a chance to be a leading role, which film would you wanna be in?
*Storm di X-Man*
21. Can you cook?
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?
* cheat itu ngapain aja sih?*
23. Are you messy or neat?
*in between..*
24. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn?
*how to make my family happy of me*
25. Do you smoke?
*nope, never*
26. Have you ever had a serious celebrity crush?
*hehe.. several times..*
27. What's ONE thing you will NEVER do?
*kill someone maybe..*
28. Do you drink?
*water? of course..*
29. Are you shy?
*lol.. define shy..*
30. What's the most fun you've had recently?
*my birthday party*
31. What's your favorite smell?
32. Do you like your family?
*I LOVE them!*
33. If you could trade places with anyone for a day,who would it be?
*my mom*
34. What was your favorite cartoon when you were little?
*Google 5!!*
35. Do you ever want to get married?
*still think about it..*
36. Do you want kids?
*don't even know if I want to get married*
37. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
*sometimes, back home.. *
38. What's the worst class you've ever taken?
*Basic Computer Science.. dosennya menyebalkan sekali!!!*
39. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
40. What season do you like the most?
*summer, maybe..*
ulang taon-nya lysa

taon ini lysa ngerayain ulang taonnya di koreya... jauh dari mama-papa, jauh dari sodara-sodara... gak biasa... aneh aja...
tapi taon ini ulang taon lysa JUDULnya: JALAN-JALAN...
abis kan tanggal 3 itu Lysa kebetulan masih di Seoul, sama duo Pionnier dan Loxii...
pagi buta kita masih nonton JSA di DVD Bank sekitar Insadong...
jam 8 pagi, kudu bangun.. telfon berdering-berdering.. dari Indonesia, dari Belanda... :)
plus seharian dihabiskan untuk keliling Seoul, dari temple kecil sekitar Insadong sampe palace gede yang namanya kagak tau... plus pake acara gonta-ganti subway ke Folk Village-nya Seoul.. dari Nam Dae Mun ke Yong San.. nyari kamera buat Desmort sampe MP3 buat Loxii.. Capek...
di bis, udah mo teler aja... dah gak niat ngapa-ngapain... tapi lagi gitu, Desmorts ma Loxii yang niat.. "NO WAY, we're out tonight!!"
jadilah, malam itu nyampe dorm jam 9.30, jam 10 kumpul buat ke old gate.
subtitlenya: ngerayain ultah Lysa :)
Ini foto, pas di JUNE I...
cantikkah?? iya.. tampak cantik dari aselinya.. aku aja bangga kalo liat diriku di foto ini.. bisa tampak anggun gitu.. hehehe (NARSIS memang saya ini...)
kelar di sini kita ke Music Bank.. danced with everybody... was fun... I enjoyed a lot..
kelar Music Bank ke warung koreya depan MAKIA... anak-anak, yang sempat kena syndrom: laper setelah dance... jadinya jam 4.30 udah sarapan :p
lelah. gembira.
thank you, guys!!
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