minggu ini kerasa saya,
mungkin memang harus menghabiskan 3 bulan terkahir di sini bukan dengan hanya 1 orang
tapi dengan sebanyak mungkin orang yang selama ini berada di sekeliling saya..
the Chinese, the class-mates, the program-mate, Eva, Jollie, Byong Gug, my students, Adrien, Dae-Jonners, the Indonesian..
yang masih harus bikin jadwal masih mau ke mana lagi,
tidak dengan gandengan..
masih harus mikir ke depannya mo begimana,
bukan dengan masalah hati,
tapi cita-cita..
minggu ini kerasa saya,
masih nyaman sendiri saya ini..
ternyata semua harus kembali ke titik awal.
aku ini, hanya tampangnya saja yang renyah
jauh di dasarnya, aku ini masih sama seperti berbulan-bulan yang lalu
bukan lucu lagi namanya, rasanya,
ketika aku bersama dia yang entah jatuh cinta pada titik mana di diriku,
dan semuanya masih kubaca atas nama dia..
aku ini,
aku ini, hanya tampangnya saja yang renyah
jauh di dasarnya, aku ini masih sama seperti berbulan-bulan yang lalu
bukan lucu lagi namanya, rasanya,
ketika aku bersama dia yang entah jatuh cinta pada titik mana di diriku,
dan semuanya masih kubaca atas nama dia..
aku ini,
of Jannis
소Hello, my name is Jannis Wenk and I am an exchange student from Technical University of Berlin/Germany. I study environmental engineering and also in Korea my location is the Department is the School of Environmental Science and Engineering. For my one year stay in Korea I am a member of Prof. Chang’s lab. My research field is biodegradation of organic pollutants.
Meanwhile I am here for eight month; and although the live of a foreigner sometimes is hard in Korea I like it here.
The most asked question from Koreans is always about their food. Indeed the taste and ingredients of the Korean cuisine are very strange for European people. Particularly in the first weeks I had some very spicy surprises but after some time I became used to it and now I enjoy almost everything.
Besides contrasting eating habits first of all students life in Pohang is much different to the life of a student in Berlin. The Technical University of Berlin is the largest and oldest technical university in Germany what means that apart the campus several facilities are spread over the city. Additionally students are allowed to visit lectures of both other large universities. Here in Pohang I experienced the first time a real campus university with a gymnasium, book shop, convenience store, a barber shop, and so on. Principally a student never has to leave the campus. It is always a short way to the lectures whereas in Berlin a bicycle sometimes is useful to reach your next lecture in time.
Furthermore I never lived in a dormitory before. Even though there are dorms, German students prefer to live in their own flat or share the flat with other students usually not in the area of the university.
In Postech I was very impressed about all the good facilities. The buildings are quite modern. The campus is very tidy and also in the laboratory there is nothing one would miss. Furthermore there is an easy access to books and scientific papers. The back draw of the tuition free German universities is that students have to pay for many things by themselves. In concert with the short ways and the preferences of a campus university Postech is a perfect place to study without any distraction and I enjoy this a lot. On the other hand due to the remote location of the university it is hard to experience other aspects of Korean way of living.
However in my leisure time I tried to be active and traveled a little bit in Korea. In my second month here I made a four day tour to Gyeongju and Busan which was a real adventure. In retrospect everything seemed to be easy but at that time I hardly spoke Korean. I found out about the well organized bus system, managed to take a taxi to a desired destination and did not starve. Although from time to time I did not knew what kind of food I had ordered. Gyeongju as an old cultural city I liked very much. First I visited the tombs and Anabji but most remarkable for me were Bulguksa and Seokguram. In Bulguksa I had the first impression of one popular pastime of couples in Korea. Well equipped with a camera and in adequate clothes they like to take nice couple pictures. The second part of my travel I went to Busan. A little bit of the flair of that city I knew already by the movie 친구. In the evening I visited crowded Nampodong with all its booths, shops and drinking places. The next day Jakalchi fish market was on my program. After strolling around wondering about the great choice of seafood I felt hungry and had one of the best fishes of my life. While I was eating thoughtful old fishermen sat in that restaurant enjoying a bottle of soju. Unfortunately in the early afternoon it started to rain so I could not do any sightseeing and went to a hot spa.
On the next day I went back to Pohang with the good feeling that my first voyage in Korea was a success. I lost my anxiousness to travel alone in a foreign country. Korea however is a remarkable safe country. Nobody has to be afraid that someone might steal something. Almost all people I met are very helpful. Noteworthy is the respect for the elders. I bet that every foreigner firstly uses the reserved places for the elders in the subway until he realizes that he should not sit there.
My second longer journey brought me to Seoul where I stood several days. Besides visiting palaces, art galleries, shopping malls and enjoying leisure activities of young Koreans like board game bang, worth mentioning was my trip to the demilitarized zone. I have to bring up that I grew up only ten kilometers away from the inner-German border. So when I went to the DMZ I had the same strange feelings which I had as child when I saw the border dividing our country. Nevertheless history showed that the reunification was possible in Germany and so I hope that one day a peaceful solution for the Korean peninsula is found.
Compared to Germany a minute amount of foreigners live in Korea. That is why especially children like to joke with me. When I enter a restaurant I often attract attention because I am the only foreigner there. Korean people are always friendly but at the same time a little bit suspicious of me. This changes if people realize that I speak a little bit Korean or if someone introduces us to each other. Generally it is hard to find good friends for the reason that always a certain distance is kept. Besides fore mentioned reasons I am afraid that it is mostly a language problem. I have never been in a country which was so crazy about learning English. Bookstores are full of every kind of English help imaginable. But on the other hand people are so afraid of speaking. Since I studied Korean I know how deeply different English and Korean are. For me it is sometimes impossible to say the easiest things in Korean. Although I know all vocabulary necessary my sentence is completely nonsense. Several times school children asked me some question on English on the street because they are taught by native speaking teachers and it was nice to see how glad they are that they could have a small conversation on English.
Hopefully those children will it have more easy to learn English.
All these stories are just small impressions of a European in Korea. I hope many Koreans will read that article to have an imagination how foreign people might experience their country. To sum it up , I can say that I love trying to understand Korean culture but this task is nearly impossible. In many cases I can just be very astonished. I am very thankful to study science and engineering in Korea and enlarge my cultural knowledge at the same time. Hopefully in my future profession I can combine these skills in the best way possible.
Meanwhile I am here for eight month; and although the live of a foreigner sometimes is hard in Korea I like it here.
The most asked question from Koreans is always about their food. Indeed the taste and ingredients of the Korean cuisine are very strange for European people. Particularly in the first weeks I had some very spicy surprises but after some time I became used to it and now I enjoy almost everything.
Besides contrasting eating habits first of all students life in Pohang is much different to the life of a student in Berlin. The Technical University of Berlin is the largest and oldest technical university in Germany what means that apart the campus several facilities are spread over the city. Additionally students are allowed to visit lectures of both other large universities. Here in Pohang I experienced the first time a real campus university with a gymnasium, book shop, convenience store, a barber shop, and so on. Principally a student never has to leave the campus. It is always a short way to the lectures whereas in Berlin a bicycle sometimes is useful to reach your next lecture in time.
Furthermore I never lived in a dormitory before. Even though there are dorms, German students prefer to live in their own flat or share the flat with other students usually not in the area of the university.
In Postech I was very impressed about all the good facilities. The buildings are quite modern. The campus is very tidy and also in the laboratory there is nothing one would miss. Furthermore there is an easy access to books and scientific papers. The back draw of the tuition free German universities is that students have to pay for many things by themselves. In concert with the short ways and the preferences of a campus university Postech is a perfect place to study without any distraction and I enjoy this a lot. On the other hand due to the remote location of the university it is hard to experience other aspects of Korean way of living.
However in my leisure time I tried to be active and traveled a little bit in Korea. In my second month here I made a four day tour to Gyeongju and Busan which was a real adventure. In retrospect everything seemed to be easy but at that time I hardly spoke Korean. I found out about the well organized bus system, managed to take a taxi to a desired destination and did not starve. Although from time to time I did not knew what kind of food I had ordered. Gyeongju as an old cultural city I liked very much. First I visited the tombs and Anabji but most remarkable for me were Bulguksa and Seokguram. In Bulguksa I had the first impression of one popular pastime of couples in Korea. Well equipped with a camera and in adequate clothes they like to take nice couple pictures. The second part of my travel I went to Busan. A little bit of the flair of that city I knew already by the movie 친구. In the evening I visited crowded Nampodong with all its booths, shops and drinking places. The next day Jakalchi fish market was on my program. After strolling around wondering about the great choice of seafood I felt hungry and had one of the best fishes of my life. While I was eating thoughtful old fishermen sat in that restaurant enjoying a bottle of soju. Unfortunately in the early afternoon it started to rain so I could not do any sightseeing and went to a hot spa.
On the next day I went back to Pohang with the good feeling that my first voyage in Korea was a success. I lost my anxiousness to travel alone in a foreign country. Korea however is a remarkable safe country. Nobody has to be afraid that someone might steal something. Almost all people I met are very helpful. Noteworthy is the respect for the elders. I bet that every foreigner firstly uses the reserved places for the elders in the subway until he realizes that he should not sit there.
My second longer journey brought me to Seoul where I stood several days. Besides visiting palaces, art galleries, shopping malls and enjoying leisure activities of young Koreans like board game bang, worth mentioning was my trip to the demilitarized zone. I have to bring up that I grew up only ten kilometers away from the inner-German border. So when I went to the DMZ I had the same strange feelings which I had as child when I saw the border dividing our country. Nevertheless history showed that the reunification was possible in Germany and so I hope that one day a peaceful solution for the Korean peninsula is found.
Compared to Germany a minute amount of foreigners live in Korea. That is why especially children like to joke with me. When I enter a restaurant I often attract attention because I am the only foreigner there. Korean people are always friendly but at the same time a little bit suspicious of me. This changes if people realize that I speak a little bit Korean or if someone introduces us to each other. Generally it is hard to find good friends for the reason that always a certain distance is kept. Besides fore mentioned reasons I am afraid that it is mostly a language problem. I have never been in a country which was so crazy about learning English. Bookstores are full of every kind of English help imaginable. But on the other hand people are so afraid of speaking. Since I studied Korean I know how deeply different English and Korean are. For me it is sometimes impossible to say the easiest things in Korean. Although I know all vocabulary necessary my sentence is completely nonsense. Several times school children asked me some question on English on the street because they are taught by native speaking teachers and it was nice to see how glad they are that they could have a small conversation on English.
Hopefully those children will it have more easy to learn English.
All these stories are just small impressions of a European in Korea. I hope many Koreans will read that article to have an imagination how foreign people might experience their country. To sum it up , I can say that I love trying to understand Korean culture but this task is nearly impossible. In many cases I can just be very astonished. I am very thankful to study science and engineering in Korea and enlarge my cultural knowledge at the same time. Hopefully in my future profession I can combine these skills in the best way possible.
lelahku, menguap lebar, mengertak gigi, meluruskan badan..
lelahku, menghitung hari, mengusap mata..
sudah waktunyakah?
lelah saya ini.
entah mengapa.
entah mengapa.
ps: dan pertanyaan itu seakan terpahat di kepalaku.
kita ini hanya kebetulan bertemu di sini..
tapi kenapa harus di sini??!!
sakura pink.

menjelang spring yang kulakukan cuman satu.
menanti cherry blossom mengembang.
di indo, taunya cuman cherry blossom-cherry blossoman.. yang dari plastik gitu...
makanya begitu masuk spring, anginnya dah kebawan.. :D
ternyata sodara, sejauh mata memandang,
di sekitar kampus ini cherry blossomnya berwarna putih!!
sampe2 si Jepang temen sekelasku bingung,
lho.. di Koreya, Cherry Blossom berwarna putih?? Kok aneh.. hehe
si Spanish Eva, juga pake acara bingung.. iya neh aneh..
sampe suatu ketika kita ke bukit..
begitu nyampe di 2nd big stop., si Eva manggil..
tuh tuh, foto... cherry blossom pink..
eva & the hill

yah di bukit ini, aku dan eva biasanya menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk jalan, kadang exercise.. sambil ngobrol.. bertukar pikiran, bertukar cerita..
di bukit ini pula aku (dan eva tentunya) banyak bertemu ajoshi dan ajunma yang kita plesetkan jadi AJUMINATOR.. lol
di bukit ini pula..
(wah kok jadi kayak puisi ini.. sudah ah..)
little india
olivier serres
JOKE OF THE DAY *Tendjewberrymud*
Have you ever heard of the word....Tendjewberrymud?
Its amazing, you will understand this word by the end of theconversation...
The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service, at a hotel in Asia which was recorded and published in theFar East Economic Review.....
Room Service (RS): "Morny. Ruin sorbees"
Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service"
RS: "Rye..Ruin sorbees..morny! Djewish to odor sunteen??"
G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs"
RS: "Ow July den?"
G: "What??"
RS: "Ow July den?...pry, boy, pooch?"
G : "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please."
RS: "Ow July dee bayhcem...crease?">
G: "Crisp will be fine."
RS : "Hokay. An San tos?"
G: "What?"
RS:"San tos. July San tos?"
G: "I don't think so"
RS: "No? Judo one toes??"
G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo one esmeans."
RS: "Toes! toes!...why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow singlish mopping we> bother?"
G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. yes, an English muffin will be fine."
RS: "We bother?"
G: "No..just put the bother on the side."
RS: "Wad?"
G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."
RS: "Copy?"
G: "Sorry?"
RS: "Copy...tea...mill?"
G: "Yes. Coffee please, and that's all."
RS: "One Minnie. Ass ruin torino fee, strangle ache, crease baychem, tossy> singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy....rye??"
G: "Whatever you say"
RS: "Tendjewberrymud"
G : "You're welcome"
Its amazing, you will understand this word by the end of theconversation...
The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service, at a hotel in Asia which was recorded and published in theFar East Economic Review.....
Room Service (RS): "Morny. Ruin sorbees"
Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service"
RS: "Rye..Ruin sorbees..morny! Djewish to odor sunteen??"
G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs"
RS: "Ow July den?"
G: "What??"
RS: "Ow July den?...pry, boy, pooch?"
G : "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please."
RS: "Ow July dee bayhcem...crease?">
G: "Crisp will be fine."
RS : "Hokay. An San tos?"
G: "What?"
RS:"San tos. July San tos?"
G: "I don't think so"
RS: "No? Judo one toes??"
G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo one esmeans."
RS: "Toes! toes!...why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow singlish mopping we> bother?"
G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. yes, an English muffin will be fine."
RS: "We bother?"
G: "No..just put the bother on the side."
RS: "Wad?"
G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."
RS: "Copy?"
G: "Sorry?"
RS: "Copy...tea...mill?"
G: "Yes. Coffee please, and that's all."
RS: "One Minnie. Ass ruin torino fee, strangle ache, crease baychem, tossy> singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy....rye??"
G: "Whatever you say"
RS: "Tendjewberrymud"
G : "You're welcome"

eva, di kelasnya..
kemaren lucu.
karena kudu menghadiri kelas ekonomi selama 1 jam, gw masuk kelas si eva telat 10 menit.
tiba di kelas, dia sedang bertanya ke anak2 dengan wajah yang tampak kalo 'kesal gw!!'
hayoooo!! napa lu belajar bahasa spanyol??
pertanyaan ini gak pernah sampe ke gw.
pastinya karena gw-lah yang milih masuk kelas ini,
dan eva tau kenapa gw belajar bahasa spanyol.
gw, motivasi jelas dong,
pasti ketrima kalo kirim yang ini...
lucu deh... lagi mo tidur tiba-tiba keinget.. "OOO.. gw kan kudu ngirim CV dan photo ke organisasi yang di Spain ma Sekolaan yang di Honduras itu.. dari mana dapet fotonya?? hehe.. akhirnya kilat aja.. difotoin sama Rimma ini, di kamar.. background-nya yang dindingnya dia.. soalnya kalo berbackground dindingku pasti acurr.. :D
jadinya yah foto ini dan 3 pas foto laennya..
lagi mo ngirim, bingung.. ngirim fotonya yang mana ya?? hehehe.. soalnya yang 3 laennya juga bagus sih cuman gak seterang ini... ini soalnya fotonya pake flash..
untungnya lagi itu, pas chatting ma koekie.. jadi dia kusuruh milih.. kukirimkan 2 foto..
kata dia, kirim yang ini aja Lys... jamin deh kamu bakal ketrima kalo kirim yang ini :D
jadinya yah kumengirimkan foto ini ke 2 tempat itu.. dengan harapan, BAKAL DITERIMA!!!
semoga :)
sudah rabu lagi.
sudah weekend lagi buatku.
waktu berputar, berputar.. tidak pake pemberitahuan.
siapa yang tau, besok, ketika kubangun, kusudah ada di rumah lagi.
tak ada lagi rimma di ranjang sebelah, tak ada lagi eva dan 'would you like to come for tea?'-nya, tak ada lagi cerita si prancis yang ini ato itu,
tak ada lagi bukit di sore hari, tak ada lagi weekend di hari rabu..
walah.... aku ini 23,
entah mengapa kuharus berpikir sebegini panjangnya,
toh aku ini hanya kebetulan berada di sini
dan bertemu dengan orang-orang ini, dan ada ini,
dalam suatu masa.
lelah. hanya ingin berhenti berpikir. berhenti berputar.
di titik ini.
aku ini bukan trauma.. hanya tak menemukan getaran. tidak pula ketika kau menciumku. lembut.
aku ini, hanya tidak sedang ingin terbang.
capek, istilah awamnya.
toh, dalam dudukku yang gemulai dan tak berpendar ini kau trenyuh.
dan jatuh di dalamku.
kau, dan 3 dia yang lainnya..
yang tak sempat kusebutkan namanya di depanmu.
maria.. (yap anda betul..)

dia ini, namanya Maria. Lengkapnya susah. tapi sudahlah, panggil saja Maria.
Entah mengapa harus kupajang fotonya di sini.
Oxymorron memang.
senin kemaren, siang hari, sejatinya janjian ngopi ma Adrien.. tapi karena satu dan lain hal, kumemutuskan.. enggak jadi ahh.. sibuk..
tiba-tiba dia online. nick-nya: ALMOST CRAZY!!!
spontan kubertanya:
dia yang jawabnya, sebel gw ma kerjaan di lab.. fed up gw ma everything..
entah mengapa, ku iseng aja nyeletuk.. "YUK NGOPI!!" dan dia HO-OH aja..
jadilah kita ngopi.. di Santosh..
jangan ketawa kalo kau bertanya dan kuberkisah,
[ngapain kau sore ini, lys?]
ngopi.. bersama wanita yang bakal jadi wanitanya mantan lelakiku..
well, wanita, yang karena dia, mantan lelakiku meninggalkan aku...
isn't ironic..
*Alanis Morisette*
memang benar ku salah
tak menghargai perasaanmu
dan menghancurkan rasa cintamu
saat kuingat dirimu
harummu yang memeluk nafasku
yang memberikanku kehangatan
terangnya seribu bintang
tak dapat menyamai cahaya
keindahanmu dari wujudmu
dan aku tak mengijinkan
cahayamu redup karenaku
dan atas kesombonganku
Reff :
..ku tak membuang dirimu
menjadikan yang kedua
atas cintaku
janganlah keterpurukanku
ini membuat kau membenciku
dan membunuhku
tak menghargai perasaanmu
dan menghancurkan rasa cintamu
saat kuingat dirimu
harummu yang memeluk nafasku
yang memberikanku kehangatan
terangnya seribu bintang
tak dapat menyamai cahaya
keindahanmu dari wujudmu
dan aku tak mengijinkan
cahayamu redup karenaku
dan atas kesombonganku
Reff :
..ku tak membuang dirimu
menjadikan yang kedua
atas cintaku
janganlah keterpurukanku
ini membuat kau membenciku
dan membunuhku
sudah senin ini..
it's funny how time flies even when you don't have so much fun..
well.. I had fun last weekend.. that's for sure.. Eric y Olivier dateng ke Jeonju (mulai gak bener gw nehh, pake bahasa campur-campur)..
tujuan utama, tentunya buat menghapus dae Jon dan lab dari otak mereka.
tujuan sampingan, mengunjungi Adrien y gw, dan mengenal dunia lain yang bernama Chonbuk dan sekitarnya.
dan tentunya mereka gembira, sodara.
meskipun Jeonju ini lebih kecil dari Dae Jon.. tapi pastinya hidup di sini jauh lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan dengan hidup di lab-nya 2 computer geeks itu.. heheh (maap-maap.. kalo sempet mbaca dan ngerti)
yang jumatnya joint party di 2PAC y Music Bank sampe closing time, yang sabtunya gak tau kenapa si Adrien harus milih hari itu untuk ke dokter dan barber... dan kita juga jadi nemenin dia... plus pake acara NONTON BARENG 'GOOD WILL HUNTING' di tempat Eva, dan minggunya pake acara NGANTRI!!! beli tiket plus masuk ke stadium buat nonton final basket KCC-TG... TAPI menyenangkan menyenangkan..
hidup di Jeonju ini, menyenangkan pastinya..
tinggal gimana ngaturnya aja... :)
.. tiba-tiba aja.. pengen mendendangkan lagunya GIGI yang 'terbang' dengan kencang..
"....kaulah yang diinginkan aku.. dari mimpiku... dari mimpiku..."
kayak gini, kangen indo.. kangen semua musikku..
(bukan) sok romantis

bukan sok romantis saya ini berfoto di antara kembang-kembang berwarna ungu dan pink..
ini, fotonya tidak sengaja.
anak China, yang tak pernah kutau namanya, kuminta tolong untuk foto.
bagus sih fotonya, meskipun enggak sebagus kalo gw yang jadi fotografer-nya.. huahua
tapi yah ini, abis foto, mo berusaha keluar dari taman,
pake meliuk-liukan badan segala.. dianya maen jepret aja..
ternyata eh ternyata.. hasilnya bagus, sodara :)
tampak bagai artis gw di sini.. LOL
*maap, yang aselinya artis kalo tersinggung ma gw yang suka sok ngartis..*
prioritasmu apa..
hidup ini, kata orang susah.
tapi yah balek lagi.. susah tidaknya kan tergantung yang ngejalani, tergantung ngebawanya gimana...
yang jelas, hidup itu kudu nentuin prioritas.. yang mana kudu jalan dulu,
yang mana kudu nomer satu, nomer dua, dan yang nyusul-nyusul aja..
kalo saya..
hidup saya ini dulu intinya, mo dibawa ke mana..
saya bahagianya kalo bisa apa, jadi apa..
urusan lainnya, yang berkaitan dengan hati, dengan keluarga, bukannya enggak penting..
pasti ngaruh..
tapi intinya tetap di saya..
menurut kau?
tapi yah balek lagi.. susah tidaknya kan tergantung yang ngejalani, tergantung ngebawanya gimana...
yang jelas, hidup itu kudu nentuin prioritas.. yang mana kudu jalan dulu,
yang mana kudu nomer satu, nomer dua, dan yang nyusul-nyusul aja..
kalo saya..
hidup saya ini dulu intinya, mo dibawa ke mana..
saya bahagianya kalo bisa apa, jadi apa..
urusan lainnya, yang berkaitan dengan hati, dengan keluarga, bukannya enggak penting..
pasti ngaruh..
tapi intinya tetap di saya..
menurut kau?
ulang taonnya Loxii..
it's Loxii's birthday..
either we wanna have an exception for party, nor we really wanna celebrate it...
we GONNA celebrate it tonight... TONIGHT TONIGHT!!!
blog-nya stef... so dia gitu lho..
katanya.. "lah mbok pikir blog-mu itu enggak so kamu gitu lho???"
feliz compleanos, ko don!!
hari ini ulang taon koko donny-ku..
bangun tadi pagi, menyempatkan diri menelfon pake acara menyanyai segala dengan suara orang baru bangun tidur :p
happy birthday, ko..
esensinya aurat itu apa ya sebenarnya?
kurang paham memang saya ini soal gini-ginian... yah in betwenn kurang paham ato gak mau memahamkan diri kali ya..
TAPI, sodara.. benernya kalo ngeliat gambar BRA kayak gini.. apa sih yang pertama yang dipikiran situ?
yang disangga? yang make? ato apa??
kalo saya sih, sebagai wanita, perempuan, atao apalah.. FEMALE, jelasnya, yang pertama tiba dipikiran saya kalo saya liat gambar BRA ini, yah.. bra-nya cantik & bagus.. pengen punya saya :)
JADI, sebenarnya saya ini kurang paham.. ato kurang mengerti.. kenapa orang-orang masih bingung kalo ngeliat gambar BRA dipajang? ato kenapa harus yang pura-pura malu dan gak pengen ngeliat kalo pas ngelewatin counter BRA di pertokoan?
esensinya apa gitu lho....
kan yah kalo misalnya itu sesuatu yang TABU, gak mungkin gitu lho.. bakal dipertotonkan buat khalayak.. jadi esensinya pasti jelaslah...
KARENAnya, saya sih asyik-asyik aja memasang gambar BRA di web saya... toh buat saya ini suatu gambar yang indah.. warnanya itu lho gak kuat.. PINK!!! LOL
stuffs from the week
1. Word of the week : "insomnia"
2. Clothes of the week : short & tank top
3. Gossip of the week : ada yang naksir aku neeehh.. ;p
4. Day of the week : wednesday.. my weekend starts from today
5. Friend of the week : olivier (fr) & le (id)
6. Game of the week : spanish book
7. Song of the week : Indonesian Idol theme
8. Movie of the week : pengen nonton cobhits
9. Album of the week: flamenco-nya Eva
10. Book of the week : Spanish part 1 & 2
11. Tv show of the week : have no TV
12. Dvd of the week : gonna ask Adrien..
13. Event of the week : the fact that I could not manage to sleep before 3 am everyday in almost 2 weeks.. enjoy!!
14. Hero of the week : Qonita
15. Food of the week : apa ya??
16. Drink of the week : coffee
17. Website of the week : kobus.co.kr
18. Stuff of the week : dorm's PC
19. Friendster testimonial of the week : none
20. What a week huh? yeah. now it's already thursday morning.. deadmorning on 4:37 am.. what am i doing now?
2. Clothes of the week : short & tank top
3. Gossip of the week : ada yang naksir aku neeehh.. ;p
4. Day of the week : wednesday.. my weekend starts from today
5. Friend of the week : olivier (fr) & le (id)
6. Game of the week : spanish book
7. Song of the week : Indonesian Idol theme
8. Movie of the week : pengen nonton cobhits
9. Album of the week: flamenco-nya Eva
10. Book of the week : Spanish part 1 & 2
11. Tv show of the week : have no TV
12. Dvd of the week : gonna ask Adrien..
13. Event of the week : the fact that I could not manage to sleep before 3 am everyday in almost 2 weeks.. enjoy!!
14. Hero of the week : Qonita
15. Food of the week : apa ya??
16. Drink of the week : coffee
17. Website of the week : kobus.co.kr
18. Stuff of the week : dorm's PC
19. Friendster testimonial of the week : none
20. What a week huh? yeah. now it's already thursday morning.. deadmorning on 4:37 am.. what am i doing now?
wartawan asal

kalo liat potongan koran ini jadi ketawa sendiri.
coba liat itu judulnya, 'REPOTNYA SHOPKOHOLIC'... padahal wartawannya asal ngambil gambar dan nulis berita lho ini...
kenapa gw bisa tau?? soalnya yang difoto itu teman-teman gw, dan pas belanja itu perginya bareng gw... dan itu belanjanya BUKAN karena mereka shopkoholoc yang biar di Madiun aja belanja.. tapi yah karena selama seminggu dua minggu di desa kan pastinya banyak, ada aja kebutuhan sehari-hari yang kudu dipenuhi...
tapi kata anak2 mah.. wah cuek aja.. gak ngurus isi beritanya apa.. yang penting gw masuk koran!!!! LOL
anak asistensi gw..
Dutch COP 2002
sore tadi ngomong-ngomong sama si martin van herk, anak COP taon kemaren.. tiba-tiba aja jadi inget web-nya cop yang dibuat anak belanda. buka-buka, nemu gambar ini... jadi KLBK gini gw...
kaos itu, gw punya lho... punyanya si Marlenn (depan, kiri -gedhe sendiri).. liat aja bodinya, gede.. makanya kaos yang buat gw juga gede!! bisa dipake erik :)
tapi ngeliat orang-orang ini bener-bener jadi terkenang-terkenang sama semua-semua yang kita lakuin bareng: yang kudu bangun pagi, yang kudu ngangkut-ngangkut, yang ngecat-ngecat, yang macem-macemlah pokoknya... PLUS yang oake acara kumpul buat ngomongin begimana cara pasang kondom.. huahauhaua...
kangen gw ma orang-orang ini...
sekarang-sekarang ini paling tau kabarnya eva yang JALAN terussss, arjan yang masih rajin kirim postcard, wanda yang dah tinggal bareng Lieuwe.. jen, yang kadang2 online -mo ke Miami dia tanggal 9 besok-.. saab yang mesti busy, annelijn yang kabarnya barusan punya baby, dan lotte yang barusan ke indo summer kemaren (tapi gak sempet ketemu soalnya kukeburu berangkat ke koreya).. laennya apa kabar ya??
sedang bergembira saya ini.
kemaren malem, dapet e-mail dari sekolaan di Honduras, Latin America yang nawarin saya jadi guru bahasa inggris... wahh!!! senangnya... hari ini pun masih senang, sampe kepikir.. duit tiket ke Honduras itu berapa ya?? weleh... kalo si Jollie ke Kolumbia aja abis 30 jutaan, ke honduras kayaknya yah segitu apa yaa... dapet duit dari mana coba... masa kudu nyari om senang buat ngebiayaain perjalanan ke sono?? LOL
blom blom... hari ini juga dapet e-mail dari suatu NGO di Spain yang ngerespon e-mail gw soal teach abroad di Spain.. wah wah... menyenangkan-menyenangkan.. mudah-mudahan yang di Spain ini bisa okehlah.. soalnya kalo dibanding-bandingkan harga tiketnya, bisa 3 kali bolak-balek Spain buat 1 kali ke Amerika Latin kan gw... hehehe
hidup ini indah.
kemaren malem, dapet e-mail dari sekolaan di Honduras, Latin America yang nawarin saya jadi guru bahasa inggris... wahh!!! senangnya... hari ini pun masih senang, sampe kepikir.. duit tiket ke Honduras itu berapa ya?? weleh... kalo si Jollie ke Kolumbia aja abis 30 jutaan, ke honduras kayaknya yah segitu apa yaa... dapet duit dari mana coba... masa kudu nyari om senang buat ngebiayaain perjalanan ke sono?? LOL
blom blom... hari ini juga dapet e-mail dari suatu NGO di Spain yang ngerespon e-mail gw soal teach abroad di Spain.. wah wah... menyenangkan-menyenangkan.. mudah-mudahan yang di Spain ini bisa okehlah.. soalnya kalo dibanding-bandingkan harga tiketnya, bisa 3 kali bolak-balek Spain buat 1 kali ke Amerika Latin kan gw... hehehe
hidup ini indah.
spring spring
the talk
baru nyadar aja.. orang-orang di belahan dunia eropa itu, laki perempuan sukanya NGOMONG.. kayak dua manusia ini, biar baru pertama kali ketemu tapi nyerocooossss aja gak ada henti-hentinya... kata Eva, mereka itu membahas segala hal dari A-Z.. dari masalah politik sampe kebiasaan... jadi mencoba mengingat anak2 laen.. si Jannis, German.. kayaknya gitu juga.. apalagi pas lagi ngomong ma Denis.. gak ada bedanya... trus anak2 Prancis yang dulu juga sama...
anak2 Belanda juga gitu...
anak Indo apa juga gitu ya???
100 boring facts about me..
(well.. less than 100..)
1. full Name: melysa charlex
2. your nick name: mel, lysa
3. birthday: 3 januari 1982, versi birth ceritifcate gw 6 januari 1982
4. place of birth: kendari, tau gak di mana kendari itu??
5. zodiac sign: capricornus
6. male or female: female, transexual versi Adrien
7. grade: ??
8. schools: TK Kuncup Mekar, gak lulus/SD Kristen/SMP Katolik Frater/SMA Santa Maria/Petra Christian University/Chonbuk National University
9. occupation: student
10. residence: Chonbuk National University resident Hall #4
11. screen name(s): melysacharlex, lysacharlie
__Your Appearence__
12. Hair Color: black aja
13. Hair Long or Short: medium, kok gak ada pilihannya??
14. Eye Color: black juga
16. Height: 160cm
17. Weight: 53, harus diet gw ini..
18. Shoe Size: 38 kayaknya
19. Braces: nope
20. Glasses : nope
21. Piercings : 1 on each ear, used to have 2 more on my right one..
22. Tattoos: nope
23. Righty or Lefty: righty
__Your 'Firsts'__
24. First Kiss: ... have to think..
25. First B.F/ G.F: mm... cannot figure out a name..
26. First best friend: Lina, temen SD
27. First Award: juara 2 Lomba Lukis bertema Kesehatan se Propinsi Sulawesi tenggara, SMP itu mahh
28. First Sport: badminton
29. first pet: puppy
30. First Vacation: Makassar
31. First Concert: SD, with the school choir
32. First Love: Andra DEWA, sungguh!! cinta mati gw ma dia waktu itu..
__ Favorites__
33. Movie: romance & comedy.. tapi mestinya apa aja yang bisa dimengerti pasti gw tonton.. ;p
34. TV Show: FRIENDS, Sex & the City
35. Color: blue & orange
36. Band: U2
37. Song: the road to mandalay
38. Food: udang
39. Drink: fresh water
40. Candy: no sweet for me
41. Sport To Play: mm... harus mikir lebih lama
42. Sport To Watch: basketball
43. Brand Of Clothing: mana-mana aja
44. Store: underground mall, Busan
45. School Program: belajar bahasa
46. Animal: puppies
47. Book: belom ada, tunggu bukuku diterbitkan
48. Magazine: anything with pictures
49. Eating: none
50. Drinking: none
51. Typing: this
52. Online: yes
53. Listening To: people's typing, pressing the button so so hard
54. Thinking About: si dia..
55. Wanting To: finished it as soon as possible (ada kelas gw bentar lagi)
56. Watching: the screen (maunya sih mo nonton Chobits
57. Wearing: again.. jeans & tshirt :p
__Your Future__
58. Want Kids : blom tau mo married apa enggak
59. Want to Get Married: masih mikir-mikir, so far sih ENGGAK
60. Careers in Mind: language expert
Which is Better With The Opposite Sex.
67. Cute or Sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
70. Short or Tall: taller than me
71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both
73. Fatty or Skinny: in between :D
74. Sensitive or Loud: in between :D
75. Hook-up or relationship for now: in between :D
76. Sweet or Caring: both
77. Trouble Maker or Hestiant One? in between :D
__Have You Ever__
78. Kissed a Stranger: what is stranger??
79. Drank Alcohol: sebangsanya anggur cap orang tua??
80. Smoked: never
81. Ran Away From Home: never
82. Broken a Bone: don't want it
83. Got an X-ray: once, for the medical certificate approval
84. Broken Someones Heart: entah dah berapa hati...
85. Broke Up With Someone: a lot..
86. Turned Someone : on or off? tapi pernahlah 2-2nya..
87. Cried When Someone Died : yes... a lot.. even when the pope died..
88. Cried At School: pernah kayaknya..
__Do You Believe In__
89. God: yes
90. Miracles: absolutely
91. Love At First Sight: nope
92. Ghosts: blom pernah liat, tapi percaya aja..
93. Aliens: tidak kalo ini
95. Heaven: yes.. for something to dream on
96. Hell: tidak.. tidak indah soalnya
98. Kissing on The First Date: yes
99. Horoscopes: not at all
__Answer Truthfully__
100. Is There Someone/thing You Want ButYou Know You Can't Have? yes, to replace my father's broken heart with mine.. and I know I can't do it..
1. full Name: melysa charlex
2. your nick name: mel, lysa
3. birthday: 3 januari 1982, versi birth ceritifcate gw 6 januari 1982
4. place of birth: kendari, tau gak di mana kendari itu??
5. zodiac sign: capricornus
6. male or female: female, transexual versi Adrien
7. grade: ??
8. schools: TK Kuncup Mekar, gak lulus/SD Kristen/SMP Katolik Frater/SMA Santa Maria/Petra Christian University/Chonbuk National University
9. occupation: student
10. residence: Chonbuk National University resident Hall #4
11. screen name(s): melysacharlex, lysacharlie
__Your Appearence__
12. Hair Color: black aja
13. Hair Long or Short: medium, kok gak ada pilihannya??
14. Eye Color: black juga
16. Height: 160cm
17. Weight: 53, harus diet gw ini..
18. Shoe Size: 38 kayaknya
19. Braces: nope
20. Glasses : nope
21. Piercings : 1 on each ear, used to have 2 more on my right one..
22. Tattoos: nope
23. Righty or Lefty: righty
__Your 'Firsts'__
24. First Kiss: ... have to think..
25. First B.F/ G.F: mm... cannot figure out a name..
26. First best friend: Lina, temen SD
27. First Award: juara 2 Lomba Lukis bertema Kesehatan se Propinsi Sulawesi tenggara, SMP itu mahh
28. First Sport: badminton
29. first pet: puppy
30. First Vacation: Makassar
31. First Concert: SD, with the school choir
32. First Love: Andra DEWA, sungguh!! cinta mati gw ma dia waktu itu..
__ Favorites__
33. Movie: romance & comedy.. tapi mestinya apa aja yang bisa dimengerti pasti gw tonton.. ;p
34. TV Show: FRIENDS, Sex & the City
35. Color: blue & orange
36. Band: U2
37. Song: the road to mandalay
38. Food: udang
39. Drink: fresh water
40. Candy: no sweet for me
41. Sport To Play: mm... harus mikir lebih lama
42. Sport To Watch: basketball
43. Brand Of Clothing: mana-mana aja
44. Store: underground mall, Busan
45. School Program: belajar bahasa
46. Animal: puppies
47. Book: belom ada, tunggu bukuku diterbitkan
48. Magazine: anything with pictures
49. Eating: none
50. Drinking: none
51. Typing: this
52. Online: yes
53. Listening To: people's typing, pressing the button so so hard
54. Thinking About: si dia..
55. Wanting To: finished it as soon as possible (ada kelas gw bentar lagi)
56. Watching: the screen (maunya sih mo nonton Chobits
57. Wearing: again.. jeans & tshirt :p
__Your Future__
58. Want Kids : blom tau mo married apa enggak
59. Want to Get Married: masih mikir-mikir, so far sih ENGGAK
60. Careers in Mind: language expert
Which is Better With The Opposite Sex.
67. Cute or Sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
70. Short or Tall: taller than me
71. Easygoing or serious: easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: both
73. Fatty or Skinny: in between :D
74. Sensitive or Loud: in between :D
75. Hook-up or relationship for now: in between :D
76. Sweet or Caring: both
77. Trouble Maker or Hestiant One? in between :D
__Have You Ever__
78. Kissed a Stranger: what is stranger??
79. Drank Alcohol: sebangsanya anggur cap orang tua??
80. Smoked: never
81. Ran Away From Home: never
82. Broken a Bone: don't want it
83. Got an X-ray: once, for the medical certificate approval
84. Broken Someones Heart: entah dah berapa hati...
85. Broke Up With Someone: a lot..
86. Turned Someone : on or off? tapi pernahlah 2-2nya..
87. Cried When Someone Died : yes... a lot.. even when the pope died..
88. Cried At School: pernah kayaknya..
__Do You Believe In__
89. God: yes
90. Miracles: absolutely
91. Love At First Sight: nope
92. Ghosts: blom pernah liat, tapi percaya aja..
93. Aliens: tidak kalo ini
95. Heaven: yes.. for something to dream on
96. Hell: tidak.. tidak indah soalnya
98. Kissing on The First Date: yes
99. Horoscopes: not at all
__Answer Truthfully__
100. Is There Someone/thing You Want ButYou Know You Can't Have? yes, to replace my father's broken heart with mine.. and I know I can't do it..
kangen Trixie..

akhirnya berhasil saya ngambil foto puppy koreya.. wah.. jadi kangen trixie.. Miller dan laennya... begimana kabarnya ya? terkahir kali mendengar Trixie dan Miller itu kayaknya awal Februari kemaren.. dan gitu lagi 2 minggu lalu nelfon rumah juga sempet ndenger Nera...
mudah2an baek-baek sahaja semuanya...
*kira-kira mereka jealous gak yah sama puppy di Koreya yang dikasih pake baju dan perawatan rambut segala sama yang punya??*
segala pose dicoba
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